Wednesday 21 March 2007

CSI Vintage Vegas

I know I know, I'm posting wayyyy too much tonight but I'm bored stiff. This time I'm going to rant housemates! (surprise surprise) and the fact that last night they made me miss CSI Vegas because they wouldn't leave the sitting room! God I hate them sometimes. I swear if they do it again there are going to be consequences. I am completely addicted to that programme, it's like some weird brain stimulating drug, my friend Sam was talking about it ages ago and I was like "so?" and then I watched an episode and realised what she was on about! Is it weird to think that William Peterson is sexy in that older man kind of way? Hmmm..... but anyway enough about CSI and onto my gay housemate. She is a lovely girl but I can't help but think that her girlfriend is massively dominating, it seems that everytime she comes into the lounge her girlfriend is in tow muttering sweet nothings in her manly voice and generally planning out a future where my housemate stays at home cooking and tending to the herb garden (what?) and she is out pursuing a successful law carreer. No it is not a soap opera, it is madness. Pure untained, alice in wonderland style madness.

the odd one out

Okay i knew living with my housemates was going to be a problem the morning I moved in. I opened the door and tripped over one of my housemates naked passed out in the hallway. Needless to say it wasn't the welcome I'd hoped for. But I was thinking about everyone in the house the other day and realised how different I am. I am the only girl in the house over a size ten. That is depressing. Even though I know I'm not huge being the only one is a little bit daunting right? Anyway the student lifestyle isn't exactly tailored to help you lose weight. I reached my peak about three years ago when I was, let's be honest here...a fattie. Anyway I decided that enough was enough, bought all these execise DVDs and went to the gym all the time, cut out carbs, only ate vegetables and fruit and drank water for like four months. I dropped a hell of a lot of weight and I was really happy with myself. Anyway in December of that year for some unknown reason I decided that I wasn't thin enough and thought hell I'll eat what I want. And I did, and I ballooned. And now I'm at university and no matter how hard I try I cannot get back that motivation I once had, it's so annoying!!!! I'm going home for easter this friday and I'm determined to start exercising and eating properly again once there. But seriously, all my housemates do when they have nothing else to talk about it how fat they are and I'm sitting there thinking "guys what are you on about? have you seen me compared to you?" obviously I don't say this as they have large enough egos as it is. One of my housemates even runs up and down the stairs because she thinks tha being seven stone is overweight. (Sigh.) Still live in hope that my motivation will return. If anyone feels that they can give me any useful tips then they're more than welcome to leave them:D xXx

being the banker

Okay things are getting ridiculous now, not only do my housemates steal my food, leave the house in such a state that everytime someone comes round they say "have you been robbed?" and have sex on the stairs right outside my door, they now are leaving me the task of paying the bills. That's okay every once in a while someone has to charge their own account with something but this is the second bill I've had to pay for and now I'm having to chase them up every day for the money! They claim they don't have any and yet they somehow find the funds to go out getting rat arsed every night!!!! I really wish I wasn't living with them next year!